Service Designer, Researcher & Futures Synthesist
Shell / Sailmetrix
London / Global
Consulting Role
Lead Design Researcher
Project Type
The project was initiated by a joint venture with BCG Digital Ventures, which Shell subsequently undertook management of. The initial concept was to explore the marine industry and uncover opportunities to make a difference using digital technologies. The key focus was the processes in gathering, processing, and sharing of data that is generated on board sea going vessels.
The Challenge was to focus on the gap and create a scalable, commercially viable solution in this tightly controlled industry (by both regulators and stakeholders)
(plays in 5 seconds after pressing play)
1st concept: simplify a repetitive task that is prone to errors dur to manual data entry and transposition.
App built for a tablet device, used to send Noon reports to stakeholders who manage the vessel.
Considerations: Current workflow, recipients of information, safety, technology available on board
Ethnographic research conducted on board 2 vessels
Understand processes on board vessels
Understand roles of the crew
On-shore interviews with:
Fleet managers
Technical ship managers
Fleet owners
Participatory design workshops
Connecting the source and receipt of information with off and onshore workers
Realised and delivered ventures key values
Through research
Presentation to key senior stakeholders
Sailmetrix name generation
Sailmetrix promotional video
Based off research and additional interviews
Filmed, edited and distributed internally & externally
Persona creation
Alongside UX designer
User/information journey flows
Usability testing
Developing a prototype app used on vessels
Live prototypes developed
Analytics & usability analysis